Chris Jericho On AEW Properly Introducing New Stars
Chris Jericho joined AEW because he believed in what they are trying to do. He still advances All Elite Wrestling’s message and represents them as AEW World Champion. He can also see the bright future ahead of the company.
While speaking to 101 WKQX, Chris Jericho praised several members of the AEW roster mentioning some that he could eventually have issues with. This interview took place on the morning before Jericho’s AEW World Title defense and he also promised to make Scorpio Sky a star in the process.
“There’s quite a few. Darby Allin’s one of those guys from the start. Look where he’s at now since the beginning. Scorpio Sky’s another one, tonight we’re really going to make him a star. I think Jungle Boy—my teenage daughters don’t care about wrestling, but they love Jungle Boy. He’s something that wrestling is missing, which is a heartthrob for the teenage girls, like a Jonas brother, one of those types of guys who the girls love.”
“I like that idea. I think Luchasaurus is going to be a big star for us. I think Jake Hager when he starts wrestling for us is going to be somebody that’s hard to deal with in the ring.”
“Pentagon, Fenix, The Young Bucks, and a lot of other younger guys coming up that they haven’t gotten to yet. We’ve only been doing this for nine weeks. It’s only been nine weeks, wait until nine months from now and see where everybody is. We’re going to get to everybody, I promise you.”
“We know that you need to know who these people are, but when you’re basing these things over the first few months, year, whatever it is over what Jericho is doing, what Cody’s doing, what Kenny’s doing, Moxley’s doing, there’s only two hours of TV time every week. So that does edit down some of the personality profiles, but we will get there.”
All Elite Wrestling needs to introduce a while new roster of talent to the general public. This might take some time because they are still debuting new stars. Chris Jericho can obviously see what they’re doing and knows that AEW doesn’t intend on leaving anyone out.
Thanks to Wrestle Zone for the quote