And you thought Rusev’s WrestleMania tank entrance couldn’t get any more baller

The debate about how AEW is rolling out Miro will no doubt continue. That will loom over a retrospective analysis of whether WWE squandered his potential, or correctly identified him as a mid-card act.

But everyone has to acknowledge that Rusev’s entrance at WrestleMania 31 at Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, CA is one of the more memorable in recent history. My man followed his wife and eight “soldiers” to the ring in a freaking tank!

“Greatest” or not, it was pretty bad ass. And in shutting down a troll who said that almost six year old entrance for a United States title defense against John Cena was his “biggest claim to success,” Miro helped add to the legend…

That is a major accomplishment, for Miro and for Lana. I mean, anyone else here who can say they had sex in a tank?



Didn’t think so.

So keep raiding Enzo’s wardrobe and working your weird angry gamer gimmick, sir. You’ll always have tank sex.

**For Original Source – Click Here**

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