Raw ratings drop again to series-low for a non-holiday, key metrics including alarming drop in key demos (w/Keller’s Analysis)

SPOTLIGHTED PODCAST (ARTICLE BEGINS A FEW INCHES DOWN)… PWTorch editor Wade Keller presents the Thursday Flagship edition of the Wade Keller Pro Wrestling Podcast with guest cohost PWTorch VIP analyst Todd Martin. Todd and Wade discuss Howard Finkel and what he represented as a great ring announcer but also how Vince McMahon treated him and what that says about McMahon. Todd then gives his strong view on WWE’s decision to release so many wrestlers yesterday during a pandemic just days before the next investor’s conference call. And much more.
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WWE Raw dipped to a new series low rating for a non-holiday edition last night (4/20) with a 1.31 rating, down from last week’s 1.40. The previous low was the Dec. 23, 2019 rating of 1.35, although that was essentially a holiday coming the day before Christmas Eve. Raw also drew a 1.31 rating on Dec. 31, 2018. It also drew a 1.22 rating on Dec. 24, 2018.
The first hour drew 1.940 million viewers, this second horu drew 1.866 million viewers, and the third hour drew 1.720 million viewers.
One year ago this week in the key demographic of 18-49 year olds, Raw drew a 1.05 rating. Last night it drew a 0.56 rating in that demo.
In the male 18-34, it’s even worse for Raw. They drew a 0.89 rating one year ago this week, and a 0.34 rating last night.
As bad as that sounds, Raw held the top two places among all cable programs in the key 18-49 demographic and the third hour finished no. 4 behind “Love & Hip Hop Atlanta” on VH1.
Keller’s Analysis: The drop in Raw viewership drop is in part people not enjoying the empty-venue wrestling atmosphere. It’s also surely in part due to the stripped down roster which is a result of travel restrictions and self-quarantining by wrestlers, which is sending a signal to viewers that this is a post-WrestleMania lull.
For years, WWE has treated stars of the past as a bigger deal than stars of the present, and they’re paying a price for that now without Undertaker, Steve Austin, Batista, Goldberg, Edge, and other special attractions from the past helping them.
Last night’s show also lacked Becky Lynch, A.J. Styles, Randy Orton, Kevin Owens, or Samoa Joe, all past PPV main venters. There are a lot of creative (and safe) things WWE could be doing to make these shows more dynamic and novel such as incorporating fans at home into the broadcast (perhaps on the video towers at ringside reacting to the action) to create a sense of community, having big names of the past join announcers remotely for guest commentary, countdowns built into the show featuring funny or big-time moments with current and past wrestlers, and live interactive polls people can participate in on Twitter. The shows could use some extra pizzaz and a sense of the unexpected to add a different kind of energy since fans aren’t present.
If there was ever a time to be creative and flexible with the rosters, this would be the time. For instance, WWE could run a poll asking fans to approve a “four week trade” of a wrestler to team from each brand to move to another brand, or to vote for a “dream team” or an “odd couple team” made up of two wrestlers from separate brands who would then have a chance to earn a title shot. Just shaking things up and giving people a sense that chances are being taken and new ideas are being tried, along with good matches, promos, and angles, is probably at the point of being at the “what’ve we got to lose?” level right now.
It’s tough, though, because no matter what they do, it’s still lacking that fan energy and it’s still a stripped down roster that wasn’t very deep to begin with.
I wouldn’t rule out some people aren’t watching because they’re simply uncomfortable watching WWE be so needlessly cavalier about social spacing with announcers and during interview segments.
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