Winter is Here. Now who gets the throne?


All Elite Wrestling comes our way live from Jacksonville, Florida. Last week, Hangman Page flirted with joining The Dark Order, Will Hobbs got a new name, Cody made fun of the FTW championship, Eddie Kingston was disappointed, Vickie Guerrero called out Brandi Rhodes, SCU came out of hibernation to face off with the Inner Circle, Hikaru Shida retained the AEW women’s champion, and Lance Archer did (maybe) a good thing.

This Week’s Headliner:

The AEW Championship will be defended tonight when Jon Moxley (c) takes on Kenny Omega is a no gimmick, no escape, good ole fashioned wrasslin’ match.

The last time these two tangoed, Moxley earned Omega’s respect by being one hard son of a bitch to beat. Which is understandable – hard to beat a baseball bat covered in barbed wire with a barbed wire broom.

But Kenny has had time to let the pain of that loss fester. That coupled with his newfound desire to live up to his own hype, he knows that he can beat Moxley if he’s not forced to worry about being choked by a metal chain.

Tonight, these two chaotic forces meet in the ring, but only one walks out the champion.

Moxley has had quite the reign, and honestly, if Omega doesn’t beat him tonight, I don’t know who is going to take the belt off Mox. And don’t forget Renee is at home pregnant (during a pandemic). It’s the perfect time in kayfabe and IRL for Moxley to drop the title and take a little break. Plus, Omega can’t afford to lose this big match. He’s rebranding/living up to his old brand, and The Cleaner doesn’t lose.

Will Jon Moxley’s reign continue, or will Kenny Omega be the new AEW world champion? Unclear if dragons or whitewalkers will be involved.

The Title Scene:

I don’t like to compare WWE and AEW a lot because it’s reductive, and, honestly, it’s wrestling. The tropes are there, and occasionally things are going to be similar. That being said, this whole Rhodes & Allin versus Team Taz has taken a decidedly WWE turn. Not only did AEW pull a classic WWE maneuver in changing Will Hobbs name to Powerhouse Hobbs (it’s bad, unnecessary, and doesn’t make sense. Trifecta!), but now they involve Taz’s teenage son. The use of a wrestler’s family as storyline fodder is a tale as old as time, but after living through months of Rey Mysterio & Seth Rollins yelling about Dominik the idea of Cody and Taz fighting over who can train Lil’ Taz (I refuse to google his name) is a nauseating prospect.

Hopefully, this story doesn’t get dragged out for months, and we can finally see Ricky Starks vs. Darby Allin for the TNT championship. Or honestly, anyone other than Cody, who I assume will be FTW champion by the end of the month. Amazing how Darby is the TNT champion now, but Cody still made it all about him. It’s honestly pretty impressive at this point.

After defeating Anna Jay in a painfully short match, The AEW Women’s Champion was spooked when Abadon crawled out to interrupt her celebration. She was so shocked by the tiny bloody menace that she dropped her championship, allowing Abadon to bleed all over. Now, I don’t know what the rules of the underworld are, but I’m pretty sure that if you get blood all over the championship, you get a title shot.

While there is no match for the champion scheduled, they should take a little time to address this bloody threat. Or maybe we’ll have to wait several weeks for that to happen. Unclear. It’s the AEW women’s division, after all. Nothing is certain, and hardly anything ever happens.

AEW Tag Team Champions have two choices right now. Allow FTR a rematch or kick the ever-loving sh*t out of Hybrid 2. Despite how good FTR vs. The Bucks was, we lived in that feud for quite some time. We don’t need that right now. FTR off TV licking their wounds for a while, cutting random promos works. The Young Bucks need to do what they have said they wanted to do from the beginning – build up the tag division. Working with teams that don’t get as much screen time not only solidifies The Bucks’ championship reign (rack up those w’s!), but we get to see all those teams that have been toiling away on Dark.

Frankly, it is CRIMINAL how little Hybrid 2 has been featured on Dynamite. Angelico and Evans are crazy talented wrestlers, and Evans is a DREAM on the mic. These two more than deserve the screen time, and the Bucks should give it to them.

Other Things to Keep an Eye On:

-Chris Jericho has another first time ever against Frankie Kazarian in a solo match. Look, if Jericho just wants to rack up dream matches and “first time evers” I’m 1000% here for it. In no world do we need The Inner Circle to be tag champs or even to be viable tag champ contenders right now. This is more fun!

-Dr. Britt Baker returns to action against Leyla Hirsch. Despite her carrying the division (storyline-wise) for months, they still don’t know what to do with her. Hopefully, we get some Thunder Rosa action and a genuine build to that feud!

-Will MJF be able to keep his kicky lil ring, or will they be forces to rip it from his disgraced finger in the second-ever Dynamite Diamond Battle Royal comes?

Tune into AEW on TNT at 8 p.m. EST to make fun of the fact that they are using a tag line from an old TV that hasn’t aged well and that everyone now hats and to see how this all plays out!

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